More is more

Barbara Koenen-Geerdink

I am almost certain that your BD & Marketing team have asked you to write articles or share content in other ways. Content is key, we all know that. The more you share about a specific topic, the more knowledgeable you will be seen by the audience interested in that topic and the frequency will make you stand out. Trust me it is no rocket science, but it just works! 

What do you share and who decides what is of relevance? Well, the author does, to some extent, but the reader does even more so! I would therefore advise you to speak to your clients and ask them what keeps them busy, what their major concerns are so that you can write about that and share your thoughts and ideas with them, like I do with you now.

I am writing this because I have checked with my target audience that this interests them (and if it doesn’t feel free to comment below). As soon as you have defined your topic, make sure that your style appeals to your audience. I for example chose to keep my blogs light and airy and not too serious because what you do all day long is already very serious and I don’t want to add to the level of seriousness – if this exists, but you know what I mean.

You would want to make sure that your content also appeals to your audience and please take my advice that no-one is really interested in jargon. Let’s just keep things simple. Focus on your core message and think of three things you want your audience to take away from your article. The power of three. A very powerful principle which makes you focus on three key principles as the majority of people reading your posts or listening to your presentations, will only be able to remember three things and not more. So, don’t try to overwhelm them.

Having acted on interesting cases is great and something you’d probably want to scream from the rooftops because it drives you. I get that, but please make sure you write about it in a way that it actually interests other people too. Not too technical (I am sorry to say but the technical detail will bore people, believe me) what you do want to share is the juicy detail. Why was that case so difficult, has it kept the team up all night, has it changed the legislation, was it ground breaking, etc. Share with your audience why this was so complicated and difficult and that you and your team are basically superstars for resolving it. That is what people want to hear. Why do you think tabloids sell so well? Why does everyone – including you, just admit it – read the Daily Mail? That’s why!

How long you’d have to go on for is another question. Less is more no longer applies. The advisable length of a blog post or article has changed over the years mainly because of the revolution of the internet and the way it is currently used.

According to several blogging websites and writers’ tips, it is suggested to opt for “more is more” instead. One of the reasons being SEO – also known as Search Engine Optimisation. I won’t bore you with the technical detail (as I have just advised you not to get too technical and I for one should probably set the right example) is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine, including for example Google, Bing, Yahoo and others. You do want to get ranked high because it will simply be more likely for people to find your article and read it should they be looking for any of the words you have used in your article. The more you write about the topic, the more likely it will be that search engines can do their job and link different words together and find patterns in order to rank you in higher positions.

So, long story short; you need a long(er) article. The advisable length of any article published on the web is around 750-1000 words for a short article and 1000-2000 words for a longer article. Don’t write anything longer than 2000 words, you may as well write a book…
I appreciate that it takes some time to write an article, but if you are interested in the topic, you could probably talk about it for hours, so why not write pages about it instead?

The benefits of writing and publishing your articles are hopefully obvious but here are a few to motivate you to start writing your article today:
• Increase your personal profile 
• Increase your credibility as an expert on the topic 
• Good profile for the firm
• SEO can link to your firm’s website as well  
• Get your thoughts on paper; it clears your mind
• Leave your footprint on the internet, it will pay off. 
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